New York, New York
Garry Marshall
What’s it all about: Bette Midler carries the friendship and the movie as Barbara Hershey brings only rich-girl problems to the deck chair table. Should be called “Hairstyles”; the beaches are incidental.
First Encounter: first viewing; A special guest pick by Saúl Ulerio.
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: collagen injection
Relics: movie soundtrack, writing letters, cigarette ads in magazines, fabric airplane seats
Heartthrob: Bette Midler
LoFi Magic: Bette’s avant garde theatre show
Makes me want to: spread my wings and fly, fly, fly away
Saúl’s take:
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#chickflick #gaymatinee #soundtrack #bettemidler #lainiekazan #mayimbialik #husbandotti #filmfest #artindieoldie