Jumpin’ Jack Flash


New York, New York

Penny Marshall

Romantic Comedy Thriller

What’s it all about: Whoopi Goldberg is a walking “Why Be Normal?” sticker working at a bank staffed entirely by comedians (Carol Kane, Phil Hartman, Jon Lovitz) who risks her life to solve a mysterious “knock knock” joke that pops up on her Radio Shack computer screen, only to be catfished in the end.

First Encounter: in the theaters, Candotti’s first viewing. A special guest pick by Molly Lepeska in Amsterdam.

Prostitute Index: average (for the 80s)

Death By: KGB

Relics: menacing street punks, bad guys with rad hair, Joy dishwashing liquid, 80s tech galore

Heartthrobs: Michael McKean, Tracey Ullman

LoFi Magic: Whoopi on truth serum at an uptight day spa

Candotti take: “It’s a good movie to have on while you are doing something else.”

Molly take: “Whoopi does the right amount of acting to make typing on a computer seem exciting and her fashion is iconic cute androgyny that all millennials should be jealous of.  You could tell that it’s directed by Penny Marshall because no one tries to correct Whoopi’s terrible posture and with that posture she still saves the day.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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