Blue Velvet


Lumberton, North Carolina

David Lynch

Crime Mystery Erotic Thriller

What’s it all about: Isabella Rossellini is brutally punished for her out-of-tune singing at a night club

First Encounter: a VHS rental I watched with my sister and parents — everyone survived; Candotti’s first viewing.

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: Dennis Hopper

Relics: high school girls in flats, interchangeable moms, deep 80s hair; old songs made creepy by playing them over gruesome scenes

Heartthrob: Isabella Rossellini

LoFi Magic: unceremonious wig removal, basement slow dancing, characters emerging from murky darkness; beetle metaphor, garden hose metaphor, fire metaphor (but not the robin metaphor); blue velvet swaying behind the credits 

Makes me want to: stop by Arlene’s for a milkshake 

Candotti take: “Very interesting.”  / “It definitely had a beginning, but not an after-beginning. Things just happen.” / “The sunglasses I want.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (I prefer his work with more humor though, which is about everything after)

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