Winter of Our Dreams


Sydney, Australia

John Duigan

Low Energy Drama

What’s it all about: Judy Davis finds out how hard it is to give up junk, especially when it looks like Bryan Brown.

First Encounter: first viewing, a Candotti pick

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: primary colors

Relics: center parts, perms, rugger; diaries, street punks, hand-written t-shirts

Heartthrob: Bryan Brown

LoFi Magic: hand-written signs, tennis dresses, Sydney before hyper tourism

Makes me want to: winter in Australia

Candotti take: “‘Winter of a Nightmare.’ A real z movie. But the fashions are amazing.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: No

#cinemaofaustralia #artindieoldie #highstreethooker #justsayno #husbandotti #filmfest


Blue Velvet


Mondo Trasho