Mondo Trasho


Baltimore, Maryland

John Waters

Black Comedy Exploitation

What’s it all about: Cinderella at a bus stop, only Prince Charming has a foot fetish

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: Low

Death By: pig pen

Relics: name calling, mooning, station wagon tailgate; hot pants, black line stockings, big cars with fins

Heartthrobs: Mary Vivian Pearce, John Leisenring

LoFi Magic: Comprehensive audio dubbing, jump-cut stripping, Divine on the run; the insane asylum audience “going crazy” at the star time performance

Makes me want to: track down that soundtrack

Candotti take: “It looks like those movies you see when you go to museums, when you go in the dark rooms. It’s very similar.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

#16mm #midnightmovie #queercinema #artindieoldie #johnwaters #divine #minkstole #dreamlanders #shrimper #hitchhiker #arrestedwhilefilming #husbandotti #filmfest


Winter of Our Dreams

