The Incredible Shrinking Woman
Tasty Meadows
Joel Schumacher
Comedy Sci-Fi
What’s it all about: even the smallest among us can make a big difference
First Encounter: childhood HBO; Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: garbage disposal
Relics: sideburns, frosted lip gloss, tape recorder, Mr. Whipple, mint green polyester suit, the modern housewife
Heartthrobs: Charles Grodin, Maria Smith
LoFi Magic: giant strips of bacon, Lily Tomlin pushing Lily Tomlin in a shopping cart through a green screen supermarket full of looky loos, Rick Baker’s Sidney the Gorilla, digital display font credits
Makes me want to: write a jingle
Candotti take: “The good thing about a comic movie is you don’t have deep thoughts about it. It’s not bad. It’s more suave.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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