Personal Best
Eugene, Oregon
Robert Towne
Sports Drama
What’s it all about: crying, whispering, running and jumping (in that order). Mariel Hemingway puts the girl in boycott while training for the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
First Encounter: first viewing (a Lorayyyy fave and reco)
Prostitute Index: nil (more of a questionable coach/athlete vibe)
Death By: quitting
Relics: roach clips, demure dialogue, unisex 70s haircuts, arm wrestling, baggy sweat pants
Heartthrob: Mariel Hemingway
LoFi Magic: pre-Nike Oregon, selective audio dubbing at an athletics event, intense closeups during an arm-wrestling competition, stadium echo, locker room graffiti, slo-mo high jump crotch shot montage
Makes me want to: go for a run in my short shorts
Candotti take: “Wow. We have the same shoes. Beautiful.” / “The outfits were amazing from the beginning to the end.” / “She cries a lot. That’s the annoying part.” / “Was this in the cinemas or a TV movie?”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes, for the first hour. Then skip to the last track meet and get out.
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