Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France
Todd Haynes
Indie Queer Sci-Fi Dark Comedy Love Story
What's it all about: Long before "it gets better" Todd Haynes gave us no such promises with this beautiful, grim, sexy af plunge into the miseries of queerness at the height of that other pandemic.
First Encounter: Saw it in the theater in Columbus, OH
Prostitute Index: Low (All Volunteer)
Death by: Leper Sex Killer
Relics: Chain smoking, silence, sweat, prison jeans, perms
Heartthrob: James Lyons
LoFi Magic: Extreme closeups, camera-vertigo, makeup as hotdog sauce
Makes me want to: read Genet’s Miracle of the Rose, or more James Baldwin
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#newqueercinema #artindieoldie #poisonfilm #jeangenet #husbandotti #filmfest