Relax…It’s Just Sex
Los Angeles, California
P.J. Castellaneta
Indie Queer Romantic Comedy Love Story
What’s it all about: It’s LA in the deep 90s, and Jennifer Tilly’s dinner parties are not to be missed. Everyone has their eye on someone new, and even the boring gay friend shows some spice by putting a new spin on gay bashing.
First Encounter: a Candotti pick and favorite saying
Prostitute Index: Low (All Volunteer)
Death by: METRO bus
Relics: Cell phones, 90s thrift fashion, AZT
Heartthrobs: Cynda Williams, T.C. Carson
LoFi Magic: Ensemble crossover dialogue, Kitchen-crashing sex
Makes me want to: give up my mobile and throw a dinner party
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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