Jennifer’s Body


Devil’s Kettle

Karyn Kusama

Horror Comedy

What’s it all about: Megan Fox re-imagines the Lost Boys as a toxic high school mean girl who goes both ways. Amanda Seyfried is the Final Girl trying to save her boyfriend from her man-eating BFF.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: botched virgin sacrifice

Relics: flip phones, beiber hair, low rise jeans

Hoops: when the nerdy girl is just a drop-dead babe in glasses (Amanda Seyfried)

Heartthrobs: Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: indie rock power ballads

LoFi Magic: Megan Fox idly singing her tongue with a lighter

Makes me want to: throw out my CD collection 

Candotti take: It’s the first Megan who’s worth watching.

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes 

#cultclassic #diablocody #karynkusama #horror #lesbigay #lowshoulder #meangirls #occult #indierocks #virgin #tampon #eyeliner #highschool #bourgie #meganfox #amandaseyfried #jennifersbody #hole #criterion #criterioncollection #husbandotti #filmfest #unseenhorses


Man on a Swing


The Big Sleep