The Big Sleep


London, United Kingdom

Michael Winner

Crime Mystery

What’s it all about: Sharp dressed Robert Mitchum’s kisses are as dry as his insults, making him the perfect gumshoe for an upper-crust case of blackmail and murder. Joan Collins sells her wares as London’s sexiest book dealer, just have the cash ready.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: a surprising number of firearms for the UK

Relics: suits of armor as entry hall decor, having a drink at every possible occasion, hairstyles before modern product

Hoops: over-dramatic reeling, stumbling and crashing through glass when shot or poisoned, chess boards in a movie about cat and mouse

Heartthrobs: Joan Collins, Nik Forster

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: a deranged Candy Clark

LoFi Magic: fancy car crashes

Makes me want to: poke around outside of London, in “Midsomer Murders” country

Candotti take: “As any British movie, they always dress well.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes 

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