Days of Heaven
Texas Panhandle
Terrence Malick
What’s it all about: It’s harvest time, and in spite of the magic-hour lighting, times are tough. Stunningly beautiful day laborers Richard Gere and Brooke Adams must work, sleep, and wash their hands in wheat.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: pissing off Richard Gere
Relics: steam locomotive, flying circus, sidecar
Hoops: Black people showing up to dance in an otherwise white movie, bookkeeping at a table in the middle of the field
Heartthrob: Sam Shepard
LoFi Magic: waves of grain, Linda Manz’s narration, weather vane as metaphor for figuring out which way the wind is blowing
Makes me want to: go on an American West safari
Candotti take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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