Morgan Court in Manhattan, NY
Phillip Noyce
Erotic Thriller
What’s it all about: An “Only Murders in the Building” on the East Side, where the women are sexy (and mostly dead) and the men are all creeps. Sharon Stone sleeps with her hottest neighbor and meets regularly with lead murder investigator CCH Pounder. Polly Walker has so much coke she finger paints with it on the mirror before rubbing it on her gums.
First Encounter: at the multiplex
Prostitute Index: medium
Death By: f*cking with Sharon Stone
Relics: CD tower, 90s talk about “orgasms” at the office, actors with yellow teeth
Hoops: power lunch at a see-and-be-seen wood-paneled dining room, jogging in Central Park, getting pushed off the balcony and landing on the awning, being wrapped in a blanket for no reason while talking to police
Heartthrobs: Sharon Stone, Polly Walker
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: William Baldwin
LoFi Magic: stunt double for putting practice, tracking shot of a 20-story fall
Makes me want to: doze off between the twists
Candotti take: I never see people in New York get to know their neighbors so fast, ever.
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
#soundtrack #massiveattack #orgasm #sharonstone #martinlandau #plottwist #deep90s #husbandotti #filmfest #unseenhorses