Losing Ground
Rockland County
Kathleen Collins
Comedic Drama
What’s it all about: In a marriage of art and intellect, Bill Gunn spends the summer surrounded by Puerto Rican muses who dance and drink iced coffee upstate. Seret Scott just wants to be near a library – that’s where she finds her ecstasy.
First Encounter: first viewing; an @annstephenson reco
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: art imitating life
Relics: monocle, overalls, the solid slam of a heavy car door
Heartthrob: Seret Scott
LoFi Magic: a slow pan of students lost in a lecture; the casual magic of Seret Scott’s hairstyles; the silent room tone of 1982
Makes me want to: learn how to dance
Candotti take: “I really like the music. A pure music – not boring, not slow – that tells of an era in cinema.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (turn on cc’s, the audio is a little mono)
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