French Exit


Manhattan and Paris

Azazel Jacobs

Black Dramedy

What’s it all about: Michelle Pfeiffer reinvents Catwoman as a droll Manhattan socialite who throws knives, burns flowers and waves goodbye with little cat paws. Lucas Hedges is on hand once again to watch the movie from within the movie. 

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: “my plan was to die before the money ran out, but I kept not dying.”

Relics: n/a

Heartthrob: Michelle Pfeiffer

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Valerie Mahaffey

LoFi Magic: setting fire to flowers to get the waiter’s attention

Makes me want to: go for sushi at Blue Ribbon 

Candotti take: n/a

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (you can french exit at the big sleepover)

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Don't Look Now


Losing Ground