Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks Jr.
Action Drama
What’s it all about: Harlem’s top pusher wants out, and nobody’s happy about it. Curtis Mayfield’s music tells the tough-talking story of Ron O’Neal’s exit plan, which involves karate and a decked out El Dorado.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: high
Death By: garbage can lid
Relics: amazing jumpsuits, jackets, mutton chops and grills; brass knuckles, aluminum foil
Hoops: all the ghetto stereotypes
Heartthrobs: Craig McMullen, E. Preston Reddick, Sheila Frazier
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: henchmen who look like McGruff the Crime Dog
LoFi Magic: deep 70s fist fight, triptych montage of coke business, using a necklace spoon and playing card for a bump
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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