


William Hale


What’s it all about: Phoebe Cates brings Old Hollywood glamour and hellbent theatrics to her role as an international porn star, out for revenge on her unfit mother(s). Brooke Adams channels Liza Minnelli, and Angela Lansbury musters up a part-time French accent.

First Encounter: DVD

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: exploding limosine

Relics: sleeping in feathers, wavy-line flashbacks, brown face, catfight, furs galore  

Heartthrob: Phoebe Cates

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Bess Armstrong

LoFi Magic: stunt doubles in a runaway horse carriage; scenes of midtown Manhattan in the opening credits of episode 2

Hoops: scotch for a drinking problem; considering but not having an abortion

Makes me want to: watch “Celebrity” from the same year

Candotti take: A real ladies’ movie. A rare long movie that I went all the way to the end. 

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

#campclassic #melodrama #sickorsin #rapeinafoxhole #angelalansbury #brookeadams #husbandotti #filmfest #unseenhorses

