The Extraordinary Life of Rocky
Kevin Meul
Euro Short
What’s it all about: Fons Dumont is a loved child, but his love in return proves deadly. Impressively, he grows up and finds a solution to this existential problem in under 15 minutes.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: bad luck
Relics: deep 70s parent hair
Hoops: siren cam on an emergency vehicle
Heartthrob: Wim Willaert
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: remote-control helicopter enthusiasts
LoFi Magic: the color palette
Makes me want to: check out the disco movie “Zillion” written by Kevin Meul
Candotti Take: “My god I love this movie. This is a movie that I really give the Oscar to the director, and especially the editor. If you can tell a good story in 15 minutes, you are a hero.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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