Niagara Falls, Ontario
Henry Hathaway
Technicolor Noir Thriller
What’s it all about: Jean Peters packs mecurochrome for her honeymoon in Niagara, just in case someone decides to smash a vinyl record with their bare hands. Marilyn Monroe packs a black dress suit with matching beret, just in case she is called to the morgue to identify a body. Guess which one is the femme fatale?
First Encounter: Megan Stalter’s instagram
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: sending a boy to do a man’s job
Relics: postcards, snapshots, swing dancing, blazers and sports clothes for vacation
Hoops: a deep 50s tendency to not believe your wife, even if it means believing she’s delusional instead
Heartthrob: Richard Allan
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Marilyn Monroe’s singalong
LoFi Magic: Marilyn Monroe walking away (hips don’t lie); bell tower suspense
Words to live by: “She’s a pretty girl. Why hide it?”
Makes me want to: vacation at a cabin resort
Candotti Take: “She was a really good actress. She climbed the stairs very fast with heels.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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