Greta Gerwig
Comedy Biopic
What’s it all about: Everyone is having a great time except Margot Robbie in this telling metaphor for Greta Gerwig’s transformation from quirky actress to power director. Ryan Gosling seems miscast as Ken, until you realize that Ken is actually Johnny Lawrence of the Cobra Kai.
First Encounter: now playing everywhere
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: being discontinued
Relics: Midge, the pregnant Barbie
Hoops: America Ferrera is “average” and Margot Robbie doesn’t always feel beautiful
Heartthrobs: Margot Robbie, John Cena
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Michael Cera
LoFi Magic: Kate McKinnon in perpetual splits
Words to live by: “Come on Barbie, let’s go party!”
Makes me want to: green light a “Weird Barbie” sequel directed by Natasha Lyonne
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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